Викладачами кафедри будівельної механіки  з 8 серпня по 16 вересня 2022р. успішно пройдено міжнародне стажування

Міжнародне стажування «Teaching and research in a contemporary university: challenges, solutions, and perspectives»

Викладачами кафедри будівельної механіки  з 8 серпня по 16 вересня 2022р. успішно пройдено міжнародне стажування «Teaching and research in a contemporary university: challenges, solutions, and perspectives (180 teaching hours 6 ECTS)» Faculty of Education, University of Bialystok.

Програма стажування включала наступні тематики:

  1. Intercultural communication from a pedagogical perspective (10 hours)
  2. Fostering students’ creative thinking skills (6 hours)
  3. The role of tutoring in higher education (12 hours)
  4. How to teach online – digital tools to empower students in their learning (6 hours)
  5. The spectrum of students’ mental health, not only during a pandemic: harbingers of disorders and coping strategies in university settings (6 hours)
  6. Publishing in prestigious scientific journals – from concept to implementation (6 hours)
  7. Research scholarships, internships, and grants – how to write good applications (8 hours)
  8. Public speaking in theory and practice (10 hours)
  9. Research projects – planning and managing (36 hours)
  10. Supervision and consultation work (20 hours)
  11. Working on individual projects (60 hours)

Total: 180 teaching hours (6 ects)

Teaching and research in a contemporary university: challenges, solutions, and perspectives
Teaching and research in a contemporary university: challenges, solutions, and perspectives

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