At the end of each autumn and spring semester approximately two weeks are set aside for exam period. Exam period is established as a time to administer end-of-course examinations. Exam period is the period after the last day of classes. The end-of-course examination timetable is published by the Academic Affairs office.

Examination timetable
Examinations will be held in accordance with the published timetable which will be available at least 1 week before the commencement of the examination period and will include the date, time and venue of each examination.
Examinations are held on seven days a week from Monday to Sunday.
Students should read the examination timetable carefully to ensure that they have been correctly entered for their examinations and know the time, date and location of the examinations they are required to take.
Misreading the examination timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation for absence from an examination.

Your availability
You should not book any travel during the exam period. We expect you to be available for the entire examination period and to sit your exams at the campus where they are scheduled.

If you are unable to sit an examination at the scheduled time, please immediately contact the Dean’s Office.
Examination date
Please check your timetable carefully for your exam time and campus.
If your timetable does not appear to be correct, please check this with the Dean’s Office immediately. Reprints of the timetable may be requested from the Dean’s Office.

Exam Preparation Tips
Make sure you understand what you have studied. Don’t just try to memorise it. Ask your teacher or groupmates for help if you find something difficult to understand.
Look again at what you have studied as soon as possible after class. You are more likely to remember information if you look at it again within 24 hours of first hearing it.
Organise your study time. A revision timetable will help you make the most of your study time.
Eat something before you study. Food will give your brain the energy it needs to concentrate for long periods of time. Fruit is a good choice – the sugar in fruit will keep you more awake than coffee.
Drink plenty of water while you study. Not drinking enough water can make you lose concentration and make it harder for you to remember information.
Choose places to study where you will not be disturbed. Noise and other distractions make it difficult to concentrate and can affect the amount of information you remember.
Take regular breaks during study time. Taking a 20-minute break every two hours will give you time to remember what you have already learned and also help you concentrate for the next two hours.
Take practice tests. There is no better way to prepare for a test than to take regular practice tests. Not only can you learn the language you need to pass the exam, but you can also get to know the style of exam questions and practise good exam techniques.
Join a study group. Studying with friends and groupmates can help motivate you to study more regularly.
Work out when you study best. Some people work best in the mornings, others at night. Decide when you work at your best and try to study at those times.

Exam Taking Tips
  • Get at least 6 hours sleep the night before a test. You are more likely to remember what you have learned if you have had a good night’s sleep.
  • Eat before a test. Food will give your brain energy and help you to concentrate.
  • Wear comfortable clothing. Being uncomfortable is a distraction. Also, it’s better to wear several layers of clothing so you can put on or take off an item if you feel hot or cold.
  • Arrive 20 minutes before your exam.
  • Make sure you understand all the instructions before you begin.
  • Raise your hand to attract the attention of an examiner/invigilator/supervisor if you have a question.
  • Raise your hand if you suspect there is a mistake on the exam paper.
  • Before you start your test, quickly look at the whole test paper. Looking at the test paper quickly before you start will help you to manage your time better. Decide how long you should spend on each question.
  • Always read the questions carefully. One of the most common mistakes students make is not to read the questions carefully enough. Read all instructions slowly and twice if you have time.
  • Answer the questions you find easy first. Answering the questions you find easy first will give you confidence and save you time later on.
  • Don’t waste time on questions you cannot answer. Spending a lot of time on a question can make you lose confidence. If you can’t answer a question, go to the next one and come back to it later, if you have time.
  • Check your answers carefully. If you have time at the end of the exam, read through your answers. But remember, your first answer is usually correct so only change answers if you see a mistake.
  • Write legibly in black or blue ink. Where answers are illegible they may be unmarked or partly marked.
  • Cross through your rough notes.
  • Be positive and try to stay relaxed. If you are relaxed, you will be able to concentrate better. Breathe slowly and deeply and try to put all negative thoughts out of your mind.
  • Remain silent in the exam room until all scripts have been collected and you are told to leave the room.
  • Do not disturb or annoy others in the exam room by eating, drinking or any other inappropriate behaviour.
  • Do not communicate with another student in the exam room, nor copy from another’s answers.
  • No books or material in an exam may be shared.
  • Hand in your answer sheet, together with any other paper used in the examination. Your name, subject/course number should be written on the front cover of each your answer sheet and should be completed before the end of the examination.
  • Do not separate, bend or fold the answer sheet.
  • Remain quiet in the building after your exam – there will be other exams still being sat.

Diploma supplement
The Diploma Supplement accompanies a higher education diploma, providing a standardised description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder. This document consists of the academic transcript, a statement quantifying your course in terms of ECTS credits, plus additional information describing the higher education system.


The following grades are used for the courses:

Ukrainian grade
90 – 100
Excellent/ vidminno
Excellent – outstanding performance with only minor errors
82 – 89
Good/ dobre
Very good – above the average standard but with some errors
75 – 81
Good/ dobre
Good – generally good work with a number of notable errors
67 – 74
Satisfactory/ zadovil’no
Satisfactory – fair but with significant shortcomings
60 – 66
Satisfactory/ zadovil’no
Sufficient – passable performance, meeting the minimum criteria
35 – 59
Poor/Fail/ nezadovil’no
Fail – some more work required before the credit can be awarded
For more information  please contact Center for International Education or visit official website of International Relationship Department
2025 © Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, © Department of structural mechanics